Computer Integrated Political Strategic Enterprise
Dissertation (C) 1988-1992 Nikrouz Kianouri
Institute for Research on Political Science - Moscow
Political integration ensures that all "pieces'" of the political system will work together to realize political system goals. These pieces include the hardware, software, people and procedures needed to support Political-System operation. Successful political-integration implies that compatibility and effective operation have been achieved in both a technical and political-organizational sense.
The directors of the policy or political enterprise must give intensive consideration to the following key questions:
1- What is the position of the policy in relation to the competitors in the political-area?
2- In what direction will the political environment develop over the future?
3- What are the objectives which the policy should over the next 3-5-10-15-25-30 years?
4- What point in the life-cycle has been reached by the Political Solution in the current areas?
5- Which Political Solution can be renewed in the foreseeable as a result of further technical development, with reduced Political Solution process costs?
6- What are the most important factors determining turnover and improvement (political regulation ability, control ability, economic effect, defence quality, etc.)?
7- What changes in the political-solution process would lead to cost saving an increased flexibility, and hence to greater competitiveness?
8- Which critical factors are decisive for the long-term success of the CXPSB concept?
A typical political enterprise has systems for application such as Political:
Systems concept; Tool control; Data collection; Political process control Engineering; Operative control; Political-solution planning and development;- ersonnel planning and development of the organizational;
Structure- Pool planning.
C.I.P.S.E. - Computer Integrated Political Strategic Enterprise (C) Disserattion 1988-1992 Nikrouz Kianouri
Computer integrated political strategic enterprise (CIPSE) encompasses the overall political-enterprise controls, computers, and computer networks for the complete political-enterprising control.
In the context of CIPSE, the time allowed for the creation of an overall strategy plan (the overall CIPE strategy plan) should be at least one year; and the plan should allow at for example 2 years for the introduction of CIPE, from the first partial implementation until a comprehensive information system is available. Processing too rapidly, and without a strategy, will merely endanger the prospects of final success. The C.I.P.S.E. is a modernize & update concept based on of PROMIS "The Prosecutor's Management Information System" and is a database system that can turn blind data into information.
All these systems and more are necessary to run a large Political-enterprising operation. The ability to exchange information between systems and work together will affect the efficiency and solution ability of the entire Political operation. The primary high level functions of a plant wide political information system in CIPE include:Control systems monitor process variables and act on them when exceed specified limits. The variables are monitored by computers collecting and processing data derived from information resources which are generated by instruments and equipment controllers.
Polit-database management Data collection Polit-data communication Monitoring and control- Political management reporting
CIPS Enterprise is the first enterprise in the world with foundation of CIPSE theory and new hierarchy of political categories.
CIPS Enterprise represents the next services for companies, parties, regional states, and other form of organization with political problem and conflict:
CIPSE; Integration of strategic political system and processes in a computer centre and process; CAPD; Design of political system and processes with help of computer; CAPSIM; Simulation of political system and processes with help of computer; ACSPP; Building automation system for control of political processes; PSPC; Statically control of political processes; PDPC; Dynamical control of political processes; PIMS; Building information system for management of political processes; PISE; Engineering of political information system; PEDEMS; Building databank and management for political enterprise; PEPMS; Building management system for planning and projecting of political enterprise; PECMS; Building management system for communication of political enterprise; PECMS; Building management system for organization of political enterprise; PIS; changing the political processes to intelligent process with help of computer; PES; Building political expert system; PHL; Representation of political integration as natural language process; PLP; Use of learning methods in integration process; PESM; Organizing and installation of software management for political enterprise; PEHM; Organizing and installation of hardware for political enterprise;- PEA; Designing special architecture for political enterprise.
(C) NiK-KiA 2000
(C) Designer nikkia 2000
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www.kianouri.com (C) Kianouri Academy (C) AA100000 (C) Kianouri Nikrouz (C) www.nikrouz.com copyright 1960-2060